Game Project Proposal
March 10th, 2020
Course : Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction
Members of the Project: Andreas Sukardi Teja, Jeremy Ponto and Kevin Herman Otnieliem
Our team is considered making a game that is based on one of the legend story of Indonesia called Timun Mas. The story is about a farmer and his wife who really wants to have a child. Then, there was a giant who offered them a child with condition of giving the child back to the giant when the child is 17 years old. The farmer and his wife named the child Timun Mas. When she was already 17 years old their parents refuses to give the child back to the giant. Instead of keeping their promise, they gave her a bag and ask her to run away. When the giant came to ask for the child, he found nothing but disappointment. Then the giant was very mad that he could run and go after Timun Mas. When the giant approached, she opens her bag and throws a handful of salt which turned into a sea, the giant forced to swim across it yet still giving chase. Later, she throws some chilli turning the landscape into a jungle, trees with sharp thorns hurt the giant but the giant gives chase nonetheless. Putting her hand back into the bag for the third time, she throws the cucumber seeds and a cucumber field grows instantly but despite this the giant continues to give chase. Getting desperate she takes the last item in the bag, shrimp paste or locally, terasi, which turned into a large swamp, the giant still trying to give chase attempts to swim across, only to be overtaken by his own fatigue, drowning never to be seen again.
How the game works is similar to the story where it starts from Introduction to the Timun Mas legend, cutscenes with voice over or simple text-based story-telling until she has to run from the giant. Then, Timun Mas runs from the house across a farm field, dodging obstacles until she reaches a checkpoint where a cutscene plays where she throws the salt and it turns into an ocean. Then, Timun Mas jumps from rock to rock or tree to tree using whatever objects still floating to run from the giant until she reaches another checkpoint where she throws chili turning it into a jungle. After that, Timun Mas runs through the jungle dodging the thorny trees and etcetera until she throws the cucumber seeds, another checkpoint. Next, Timun Mas runs through the field of giant cucumbers jumping from cucumbers to saplings trying to escape the giant until she throws the shrimp paste (terasi) turning it into the swamp. Then, Timun Mas runs through the swamp jumping from rock to grass to branches trying to stay out of the swamp until she reaches the end. Last, A cutscene plays showing the giant sinking and dying before coming back to her parents and live happily ever after. The game will have scoreboard to show how far the players has reached.
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