Game Guide of “Defense Of The Indonesians “
May 31st, 2020
Members of the team:
- Andreas Sukardi Teja
- Jeremy Ponto
- Kevin Herman Otnieliem
What is the game about?
The game is called “Defense of the Indonesians”. The game is about a student of Binus University International wants to go to Binus FX Campus. The game is not as easy as going to the campus. It is based on the current situation, where the player will go to the campus not as easy as usual, the player needs to avoid peoples that have been infected by Corona Virus (Covid-19).
- How the game works?
How the game works starting with first main menu which will display three options. First option is Play Game which will directly let the player to start playing the game. Second is Credits which will display name of every person who are involved on making this game along with their contributions and source of the assets that are used in the game. Last option is Exit Game which will let the player to exit the game when their done playing.

Screenshot of the first Main Menu of Defense of the Indonesian game.

If the player chooses Play Game option, the second main menu will be displayed, where the player will select the level they want. The game consist of 5 levels from easy to very hard. Each level has its own name.

The difficulty ranges from “It’s Just a Dream” to “WE’RE GONNA DIEEEEE!!!” which assigns the starting health of the player, starting from Infinite to 10, 5, 3 and finally 1.
The game will have 2 supporting characters. One is a sick person in his house who will explain the virus and what should we do at home to avoid it. The other one is a healthy person who just got outside from the MRT station near FX Sudirman who will tell the danger from the virus and also what the player need to do to prevent the crowd, which is a potential way to spread the virus to other people.
The game has 5 maps. The maps are First House, City, FX Lobby, Binus Lobby and Second House.

This is the first map that the player will be introduced to. Here, the player will be introduced to the first character named Sick & Male who is, sick and a male. The character will then line out various actions that are essential to do during the COVID-19 pandemic including the disinfection of surroundings and the usage of a mask. After the explanation for disinfection, a mini-game will start where the player has to consecutively tap the left and right arrow keys 50 times each over the time of 10 seconds, if the player fails to do so, one health will be deducted and if not, no consequence will be given. After this, another mini-game to get to the mask would start, urging the player to find the mask and press the E button after they have reached it. Although there are numerous “fake” or unclean masks laying around, the mask that the player has to interact with is the mask on the table inside the room at the lower right corner of the map.

This is the second map which will load immediately after the dialogue ending the first scene. Here the player is introduced to another character, Albert Newton, who will then explain he absolutely needs to go to Binus and that while doing so, he will have to avoid every NPC on the way to avoid potential infection, whenever the player gets into the proximity of an NPC, the player will lose one health. The player will also have to get to the FX building’s proximity and press E to trigger the warning that the player won’t be able to go back to the city map (though it’s option at this point and time), all the player can do is press the Space button to progress to the next map.

This is the third map which will load after the player has pressed Space after the prompt, the premise is the same as the city where the player has to get to the elevators due to the escalators being filled by NPCs. When the player presses the E button in front of one of the elevators, the next map will load.

This map is simpler as there’s nobody to avoid and all the player has to do is walk up the security guard, let the story continue and proceed to the next map.

This map is the last and final map of the game where Albert Newton will explain the necessity of washing their hands, which is also the final mini-game as the player will have to go to the sink in the toilet and wash their hands, which will require the player to once again consecutively tap the left and right arrow buttons similar to the first mini-game. After this is done, a dialogue will trigger and then finally bring the player to the Win screen.

This screen simply tells you that you have won the game and there’s nothing else to do other than go back to the main menu.

This screen simply tells you that you have won the game and there’s nothing else to do other than go back to the main menu.
- Player Controls
Move Upwards – Up Arrow
Move Downwards – Down Arrow
Move Leftwards – Left Arrow
Move Rightwards – Right Arrow
Mini Game
Button Mashing – Left and Right Arrows
Picking Up – E
Next Dialogue – Space
- Contributions of Each Team Members
Andreas Sukardi Teja – Game Plot, Game Design, Project Management, Partial Graphics and a bit of mechanics and bug fixing.
Jeremy Ponto – Game Mechanics, Some Graphics, Bug Fixing and Some Game Guide.
Kevin Herman Otnieliem – Game Graphics, Game Video, Some Game Guide and Game Tester.
- Assets
Trexman1234 – Dialogue Box.
Kenney – All other assets.
- Video
Video Link :
Game Project Final Report
May 20th, 2020
Description of The Game
The game we made is an adventure game about a student who wants to go to BINUS FX campus in FX Sudirman mall. The game is called “Defense of the Indonesians”. The game is based on the pandemic corona virus disease (COVID-19). So, to go to the campus student need to avoid people who has been infected by the virus. The game has 5 maps: First House(where the player start), City, FX Lobby, BINUS Lobby and Second House(where the player finish). The game will have some minigames in each map. The game also has 5 levels from very east to very hard. The difference of each level is the amount of health player will have. To win the game, the player needs survive until they reach the last map which is the second house. The game is made using Construct 2.
Contribution in The Project
In the Project, I contribute on the game graphics, game guide, game testing and game video. In the Game we have 5 maps. I designed the FX Lobby, BINUS Lobby, and the Second House. I also do a revamp in the City Map so it look like a bit real.
In Game Testing, I fixed several bugs such as error when the life of the player is 0 it will bring us to game over page but the size is to small. Also an error when the player wins the game, it will bring us to the win page but the size is also small. I fixed some of that.
In the Game Guide i make the introduction part about what is the game about and how it works including some of the screenshots. The purpose of adding screenshots to the game guide to make player easier to understand how is the game.
In the Game Video, I describe how to play the games including rules and how to win. I use a voice over so that peopls can easily understand rather than text.
The game we made is quite challenging because we need to split our jobs and try to make each members contribution equal. The most challenging part is when we want to find some example or reference in the internet. Also when trying to learn using the tilemap when I create those Maps. I have to find my own way to make the scale of the objects to fit on the grid of the layout. Although to make this game is quite hard, but when its done it feels worth it. I hope the game we made could make players to feel comfortable playing it.
Game Project Proposal (Revision)
April 27th, 2020
Course : Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction
Members of the Project: Andreas Sukardi Teja, Jeremy Ponto and Kevin Herman Otnieliem
Our team is considered making a game called “Defense of the Indonesians “. The game is about a student of Binus University wants to go to his/her campus in Fx Sudirman mall. The game is not as simple as going to the campus. We are planning to make the game based on the current situation, where the player will go to his/her campus not as easy as usual, the player needs to avoid people that has been infected by Corona Virus (Covid-19) .
How the game works is it start with the main menu where player will select the level they want. The game consist of 5 levels from easy to very hard. The game will have 2 supporting characters. One is a sick person in his house who will explain the virus and what should we do at home to avoid it. The other one is a healthy person who just got outside from the MRT station near FX Sudirman who will tell the danger from the virus and also what the player need to do to prevent the crowd, which is a potential way to spread the virus to other people. The dialogue will be brought in a educational with a bit of jokes to ensure that the player will be entertained while playing the game.
Game Project Proposal
March 10th, 2020
Course : Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction
Members of the Project: Andreas Sukardi Teja, Jeremy Ponto and Kevin Herman Otnieliem
Our team is considered making a game that is based on one of the legend story of Indonesia called Timun Mas. The story is about a farmer and his wife who really wants to have a child. Then, there was a giant who offered them a child with condition of giving the child back to the giant when the child is 17 years old. The farmer and his wife named the child Timun Mas. When she was already 17 years old their parents refuses to give the child back to the giant. Instead of keeping their promise, they gave her a bag and ask her to run away. When the giant came to ask for the child, he found nothing but disappointment. Then the giant was very mad that he could run and go after Timun Mas. When the giant approached, she opens her bag and throws a handful of salt which turned into a sea, the giant forced to swim across it yet still giving chase. Later, she throws some chilli turning the landscape into a jungle, trees with sharp thorns hurt the giant but the giant gives chase nonetheless. Putting her hand back into the bag for the third time, she throws the cucumber seeds and a cucumber field grows instantly but despite this the giant continues to give chase. Getting desperate she takes the last item in the bag, shrimp paste or locally, terasi, which turned into a large swamp, the giant still trying to give chase attempts to swim across, only to be overtaken by his own fatigue, drowning never to be seen again.
How the game works is similar to the story where it starts from Introduction to the Timun Mas legend, cutscenes with voice over or simple text-based story-telling until she has to run from the giant. Then, Timun Mas runs from the house across a farm field, dodging obstacles until she reaches a checkpoint where a cutscene plays where she throws the salt and it turns into an ocean. Then, Timun Mas jumps from rock to rock or tree to tree using whatever objects still floating to run from the giant until she reaches another checkpoint where she throws chili turning it into a jungle. After that, Timun Mas runs through the jungle dodging the thorny trees and etcetera until she throws the cucumber seeds, another checkpoint. Next, Timun Mas runs through the field of giant cucumbers jumping from cucumbers to saplings trying to escape the giant until she throws the shrimp paste (terasi) turning it into the swamp. Then, Timun Mas runs through the swamp jumping from rock to grass to branches trying to stay out of the swamp until she reaches the end. Last, A cutscene plays showing the giant sinking and dying before coming back to her parents and live happily ever after. The game will have scoreboard to show how far the players has reached.
What is this blog about?
March 3rd, 2020
The blog contains project created by the admin of the page (Kevin Herman). The purpose of the web is to give some knowledge about project that the admin made.
For more information visit